A romany gypsy word meaning broken,ruined,damaged a corruption of the jewish/russian word pogrom meaning devastated.
i lifted too much and poggered me back
by pukka romany February 2, 2010
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epic word. can be used for anything.
man 1: i have 10 kids in my basement.
man2: wow!! such poggers!!
by trjyujfhsknvoarnwUOfnsofG October 9, 2020
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When your wife’s boyfriend let you sleep past 8pm 😎😎
Wife’s boyfriend: You have 5 more minutes
Me: Poggers!
by Just_Charles April 14, 2020
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A Twitch emote that may only be seen if you have BetterTTV installed. It is used in place of PogChamp as an expression of extreme excitement or hype, particularly after an impressive play is made. Popular in the League of Legends community.
by Seltz January 28, 2018
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A twitch emote typically used to express enthusiasm, enthrawlment or other sophisticated emotions of happiness and dopamine.
BOB: I just got a win and killed the epixest of gamer -ninja- lol im gud kid.
DOM: Kid thats pretty pogger.
CHAT: :poggers: :poggers: :poggers: :poggers: :poggers: :poggers: :poggers: :poggers: :poggers: :poggers: :poggers: :poggers: :pogger: :pogger: :pogger: :pogger: :pogger: :pogger: :pogger: :pogger: :pogger: :pogger: :pogger: v:pogger: :pogger: :pogger:
by hi lol was taken March 9, 2020
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a word to describe excitement, joy, or to hype
usually used in really cool situations
friend: I just fucking punted a 3 year old child into a dumpster

me: poggers
by marchichi January 16, 2021
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