A perpetual student who prefers the safety and comfort of academic life over the trials and tribulations of the real world. source: http://www.wordspy.com
I am a non-slackademic. See my article on Virtual Librarianship: A Non-Slackacademic Approach
by Dr. Mohamed Taher November 23, 2006
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slackademic - someone who has continuously gone to college since graduating high school, is over 24 and still has not received a bachelors degree.
"i'm afraid if i go to junior college after high school i will turn into a slackademic"
by pedro calhoun January 12, 2004
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A student, or intellectual, whom regularly isn't intellectually curious about every aspect of their discipline. Also a student, or intellectual, whom regularly finds ways to reduce his/her workload, due to laziness.
The slackademic spent most of lecture analyzing the professor's words and emotions in order to glean only the most important ideas to reduce the amount of material to review in preparation for the exam.
by slackademic August 25, 2004
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