when ur own pp go in own bunghole
by PintoBean2003 March 3, 2020
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A front butt. They are predominant in older, skinny women. Often compared to the FUPA, peebs are often accompanied by the Camel Toe (most distrubing when seen through thick, stoned-washed jeans).
Dude, your mom's peeb really brings out the camel toe in those sweet ass sweats.
by Casey Williams October 1, 2006
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A swift yet harmless whack to the top of someone's head using the "karate chop" hand formation. Performed when the perpetrator has said something retarded or made an ass or themseleves in any way. Must be accompanied by the word "peeb" at all times.
Punishment by law for asking a question that stupid is 20 peebs...I'm sorry m'am, it's the law.
by Clutterbuck December 23, 2003
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a peeb is a small jack-russell type doggy eg. a Jack Russell... that has triangular crunchy ears and beady eyes.
look at that Peeb.. Peebing at you..
by rockabillyM March 2, 2011
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slang for Pabst Blue Ribbons, one of the cheapest and most delicious beers known to man
After a hard day at work, Jim likes to throw back a few peebs and watch Fear Factor.
by Jake Christie March 17, 2007
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one who lacks any kind of money or savings at all, one who lives in a box, derived from the latin root poorus boyus
by EJRhater April 4, 2004
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