An abbreviation for the the phrase 'full of asians', meaning that the place/event in question has a dominant population of asians in which all other races or people are the minority.
I heard that the city of Berkeley, CA is flasian, mainly because of the University of California, Berkeley. I hear Japan and San Jose are flasian too.
by Pastaconwings May 3, 2009
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"That guy is so funny."
"Of course he is, he is a flasian."
by MattyBGood November 3, 2006
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Last at the bar I got cornered by a flasian. He was twirling around with a flower in his hair.
by The talented MRB July 28, 2006
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a fake ass wanna be black who is also part Asian.He has an uncircumcised dick witch is very small.HE has a weird shaped head and also thinks women called Talia and Nayomi are hot.
dude is that flasian
i can tell because he is flirting with talia and has a small dick
by tapatio101 April 14, 2017
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