A derogatory term used for blacks, following the definiton as spoda, short for suppose to, can used to call blacks because there never doing what their "spoda" be doing
Yo check out that lazy ass spoda

Yup, never doing what their spoda be doing
by Chizarules October 17, 2006
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a black person from the ghetto or projects not your token black. someone who is not where there SPODA be.
ain't SPODA be here. wees gotta get outa town before the sun goes down
by ol dirty May 4, 2007
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A black person who doesn't know how to speak English properly.

Derogatory term to describe uneducated blacks. Not necessarily intended as an insult but could be used as such.
When did all these spoda's move into the neighborhood?

Don't know.

I really wish they would learn to speak English.

Yeah me too.

You'd think with all the problems they have because of racial hatred that they'd make more of an effort to speak properly. It would most likely decrease the racial divide.

I agree completely.
by Zed Omega May 24, 2004
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Hey, you were spoda go to the store to get some beer. Did you?
by William MacLeod October 18, 2004
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An African-American, A term used by Arabs when I was in the Army
Watch you Benz, them Spoda's are coming.
by Chris February 11, 2005
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Jeff Herrington Stated,"I spoda get paid 'dis Friday!!"
by drewzak August 9, 2003
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Any person of non caucasion descent who does not know how to tip in a resturaunt.
Those damn spoda's left me a dollar tip on a fifty dollar tab!!!
by Alexander de Large September 12, 2007
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