To turn a noun into a verb.
Verbification allows one to any word into a verb, such as:

No, I'm busy; I'll be porching all day.

by Gordon Baeyen September 28, 2007
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The verbing of a noun. See "smart assy".
Over verbification will be the downfall of man!!! Or at least his language...
by traviscalhoun July 27, 2006
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The art, through poor language, of taking a noun and turning it into a verb. When the common verb describing what a noun does, doesn't spring to mind. Poetic license is used to best describe this action using the noun.
John "I've decided to build my own house. So I've enlisted the help of an architect. He / She will be architecting over the next few weeks".

Sam "nice verbification there John... Its a shame he'll be designing your home"
by James is a clown February 29, 2008
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The process of using a noun as a verb.
Tom: I've been computering all day.
Bill: That is some excellent verbification.
by kevining October 25, 2006
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A broader, more inclusive definition of google it. Interweb verbification is the manner of instructing someone to search a specific word or topic on a website by making the name of the site the active verb of the sentence.
You: I can sell some stuff when I move out.
Friend: Craigslist that junk!

You: I'm not sure what fiduciary means.
Friend: Wikipedia it!

You: How many calories do you think there are in a Big Mac?
Friend: Google it.

You: I'm not sure where exactly the restaurant is.
Friend: Mapquest it.

Interweb verbification will replace words like "look", "search" and "find", among others.
by Dan2015 September 20, 2008
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