1) An individual whos ability to bitch, whine and/or complain surpasses any others ability.

2)To find the most insignificant flaws in anything and cry foul.

3) A Chub of the purest Lard available.

4) An inhabitant of COGS who believes his superior skills or sniper/camping on the battlefield has a higher priority over the team. Then return to cogs to boast about his skills with a pathetic show of macho authority.

5) all of the above
ffs dude dont get all Velox on me
by Anonymous July 21, 2003
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1) When you are being bombarded with private Messeges from someone who you dont care for about useless facts/plans/rants and raving of such lame individual.
No Pm's dude, its soo velox
by Anonymous July 21, 2003
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To insult people with very offending words but will be offended when someone insults.
Oh man, ur sooo Velox
by mastr July 21, 2003
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To boast indiscriminatly to any poor soul who should be unfortumnate enough to cross his path
by Anonymous July 21, 2003
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If Hitler, Stalin and Saddam Hussein were combined with a Chimpanzee, you would get a Velox
by Anonymous November 3, 2003
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A condition, where the infected becomes curious of others privacy and see's everybody as stupid and that they are the best and will try thier best to prove the point.
I think u got Velox
by DoDo July 21, 2003
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1) An Ape whos evolution has taken it past the level of homosapian, into an internet (cogs) dwelling creature or pure bitching.
hey Velox
by Anonymous July 21, 2003
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