An old grade school prank. You'd write Pen 14 on your hand and walk up to an unsuspecting schoolmate and ask him if he wanted to join telling him he could be Pen 15. You'd then write Pen 15 on his hand, and everyone would laugh at him.
"I'm in the Pen club. I'm Pen 14, you can be Pen 15."
by Ritley August 25, 2003
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or Pen15. Resembles the word "penis" when written.
by webstersheir62 March 1, 2003
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pen 15 is slang for penisalso see cock wang and dick
by purplemonky November 12, 2003
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Something your friends tell you to write on your arm. They Call it A "CLUB".

Its NOT!!!!!
Guy:JOIN Pen 15

Me:..... OK!!!!!

*Writes Pen15*

by Ninoots! March 25, 2014
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A club that unlocks the secrets of the universe.
“To join the ‘pen 15 club’ just write it on your wrist in sharpie
by Daddys cunt 💦💦💦 March 25, 2019
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A way of typing penis so that it will get through language screens
by IDIDATHING November 30, 2015
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