4 definitions by zombitini

Cute exclamation or way of saying hello to any tiny, little, soooo not threatening, sprinting little spidery guy.

First used watching my ex play League of Legends... one of the characters jumps around screen in this jumpy little spidery manner causing me each time to excitedly squeal “spooder! spooder! spooder! spooder!”

Best announced in a quick, low voice whilst doing a little jig
*watches someone playing League of Legends when such character appears and alerts the player of the spoofers presence
Spooder, spooder, spooder, spooder!!”

Also can be used when disturbing a spider IRL to happily say hello while he’s on his merry way
by zombitini September 20, 2020
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A new record put out by a band, but originally and particularly an album by Deftones.
Specifically later Deftones album releases as they continue to out-do themselves with every new masterpiece they put forward still ever evolving yet retaining all their unique awesomeness with each new album. A Deftones alBOOM? Gotcha!
Oh dood, this new Deftones record is a total fuckin alBOOM! It’s full of bangers, it just goes boom, boom, boom! Goes off like a frog in a sock!
ALBOOM!!! Get it!

Coined by spook AKA zombitini #spookisms
by zombitini September 20, 2020
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Any particularly ASMR inducing sound produced by either or Chino Moreno / Deftones or any of Chino’s side projects. That’s a Chinogasm.
The pulsating, flowing throb of the crowd at a Deftones show when Chino gets amongst the front and everyone reaches towards him.
Lyrics written by Chino that touch your soul.
Maybe you would even yourself “have a Chinogasm” watching him crouch inwards to scream his lungs out... maybe Chino himself is Chinogasming while he does this ;P
And lastly, an orgasm that coincides with your love making climax listening to Deftones - total sex music.
Coined by spook AKA zombitini #spookisms
Oh man did you hear that new Deftones album?
So many Chinogasms!! What a banger!
by zombitini September 20, 2020
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Self explanatory.

You see the creepy crawly thing that must die and in your panic you yell “Kill it with eggs before it lays fire” instead of what you were actually trying to say- to kill it with fire before it lays eggs.

Coined by spook AKA zombitini
*Sees a cockroach scuttle through the lawn*
by zombitini September 20, 2020
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