4 definitions by zinanthegreat

ah fuck
ah some one threw a fridge at me
by zinanthegreat November 6, 2020
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a unfathomably pure being that uses his jiggle wiggle powers to conquer juice world in Taiwan
you little pubesent boy you
by zinanthegreat December 5, 2022
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The inter sanctums of this celestial being are one to be recon with. for this man is a proud owner of a bond bug (not sponsored). even just a glimpse of his magnum chin will blind even the blindest man. his gargantuan cheeks will cause the pulverization of any eyes that attempt to gaze upon his vibrant dump truck. for any mortal cursed with glancing upon his meaty pecks will be atomized in .001 nanoseconds. father of the disgraceful pubesent man.
oh lord have mercy here comes THE pubesent chad!
by zinanthegreat January 4, 2023
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Such a high balling unit that they are always a top g. pubesent man is the father of the disappointing pubesent boy. this immaculate man's favorite phrase is "hoes water pailioids." but for he is only a shadow of the pubesent chad... to be continued
holy guacamole is that a pubesent man!
by zinanthegreat January 4, 2023
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