76 definitions by zanderfin

A paradigm that states that the plane of the universe is curved by the spin of uncountability around infinity.
Metastaticity is the successor to relativity.

It unites philosophy with cosmology.

Metastaticity states that the flat two-dimensional plane of the universe (nihilism) is bent by angular momentum.
by zanderfin November 17, 2019
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An event in which hyperdistributism solves the transfinite line; creating a perfect capitalist-Marxist system.
Future perfect employs the transfinite line; in which the average of the squares of the distances between the ergodicic points and the transfinite line is equal to the tau of the slope of the line.

This is transfinite economics: a perfect solution to poverty.
by zanderfin December 8, 2019
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Composable means "free-motion-in-space" or accurately "free-motion-of-lines-in-space."

It is implied by technoformalism and created by liminism (spinning of limina).
What is composable has free motion in space specifically the radial-uncountable lines of technoformalistic supersets.

Composability is emergent from pragmatism as such composable (present) <- - utilitarian < -- constructivist (functionable) <-- practical < - - pragmatic (future).
by zanderfin November 23, 2019
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The paradigm that speech is effected by the consciousness and modulated by the mind.
Generative anthropology asserts that language is meta-emergent; not emergent.
Thus language-ontology appears from the future.
by zanderfin September 23, 2019
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A quality in which a finite space has an infinite number of limina.
Transparency is self-internally clear because the finite space has a countably infinite number of liminal layers.

This renders the surface transparent.
by zanderfin December 18, 2019
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Paradigm that a photograph superimposed on its enantiomer creates a shape with uncountable edges.
Metastatic nihilism says that an enantiomer superimposed on its inverse-image is a closed shape with uncountable corners.
by zanderfin September 30, 2020
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