76 definitions by zanderfin

Postulation that money is not a finite resource akin to a physical material.
Keynesianism removed the gold standard because it inferred that money does not work like gold: it is not retrievable in finite quantities.

Marxism--Keynesianism's predecessor--proffered that money--if accounted for correctly--is available in uncountable or infinity^infinity quantities.
by zanderfin March 5, 2020
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Idea that a collective movement is more efficient at procuring their rights than it is at procuring a state.
Propertarianism contends that a collective group of people writes good contracts but makes bad entities.
by zanderfin September 7, 2020
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Process by which graphitalism reduces the area of a circle; moving time forward.
Orthoganalism is the forward movement of sentiment - - time.
by zanderfin August 2, 2019
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Paradigm in which time is the intersection of infinity^infinity and infinity.

Downstream from pan-nihilism.
Vikaasianism imagines uncountability and infinity as conformal lines; which intersect to make time.
by zanderfin November 5, 2019
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The premise that light-objects are made of discrete parts.
Supranihilism stands in contrast to SUBSTANCE nihilism in which light is made up of discrete parts.
by zanderfin March 5, 2020
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A paradigm in which the countable is infinite; and the discrete emerges from the uncountable.
Cathedralism says that the discrete is uncountability-from-the-future.

This phenomenalism is the basis of Catholicism.
by zanderfin October 26, 2019
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A paradigm that Marxism is an incomplete critique of capitalism due to the circumstance that it is unable to stop social deconstructionism.
Metamodernism refutes Derrida by arguing that deconstructionism isn't 'true' Marxism.
by zanderfin December 13, 2019
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