14 definitions by zacharydestasolomon

(v) to insta-trash a rejection email from Facebook after applying simply for the sake of spiting the Zuckster Supreme Chief Head God Almighty Among Mortals & Men.
I would have suckerberged dem shits on repeat but I forgot that long press marks multiple for the rubbish bin.
by zacharydestasolomon December 3, 2021
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(adj.) not able to be fucked by god
Cheick Camara: Lisa Mannie is sexonable right Neal Hooper
Neal HoopE: Na ya rayght
by zacharydestasolomon July 30, 2022
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(n.) A gay man
Zac: "Son, you are a boypussy."
Abbiy: "Come and play."
Michael: "But for Tigray, Abbiy."
Zac: "Why have you pained me so, Abbiy?"
by zacharydestasolomon January 11, 2023
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(n.) skills used for living in society, necessary to live with the scumlic at large.
At the University Club I used my softy skills to get myself a job working as a janitor under Renee.
by zacharydestasolomon February 4, 2022
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(n.) someone who tries to look like they have opinions, individual, and self-determination but just follows the crowd
I tried rewatching reruns of The Fairly OddParents but Jake called me an edgefag.
by zacharydestasolomon January 23, 2022
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(n) when you thought you seal'd the deal but find out it's a "NO!"
Whatta deepfake!!
by zacharydestasolomon December 9, 2021
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(n) an online exchange of goods (also known as a 'marketplace') created for the express purpose for buying and selling NFTs and other weirdo memester zillennial fan art.
I got sideswiped bid swiping for those ADA Army NFTs so I went to a NFTEX called OpenSea and bought myself some Hoskinsons for the lulz.
by zacharydestasolomon December 4, 2021
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