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Edawg is the founder of Edawgism. She is a human, contrary to the word “dawg” that is in her name. She is the most amazing person ever inside out. When she walks in she lights up the room. Everyone would be lucky to be her friend. She always has a smile on her face even when life is hard. She has been through alot. There is no words to describe her and what she means to someone. A beautiful girl, and if you're one of her closest friends she will be as loyal as a do-*coughcoughDAWGcough*-g. She is tough on the outside but compassionate on the inside, don't mess with her or her friends. And never betray her, cause' she has trust issues.
I mainly wrote this for my girl Eden, I love her to death lmao. Enjoy this while it last!
Hey that’s my best friend Edawg!
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