1 definition by yourfelinefriend

Name: Joon

Birthday: April 26

Ethnicity: Korean/Chinese

Short biography:

Joon is one of the most popular people from RedBana, Audition. He attracts EVERYONE in Audition. You could even say that he is a male magnet since he attracts mostly the men in Audition. Joon's current IGN is Music. Joon is the NICEST person you will ever meet. He may look innocent at first, but he's actually a devil in bed. In fact, he's very handsome & good-looking. Too bad he isn't available. Well at least.. not on the weekends ^___~ . He currently works as a swindling male stripper and is only available on Friday. (Note: $1,000 per hour and extra $500 if you want to see him do some pole dancing.) He likes animals that are in the feline family. So when you're in bed with him, you're the tiger and he's the ringer master. If you know what I mean..
Joon: (/o u o)/
by yourfelinefriend August 17, 2012
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