3 definitions by your mom last night

1. a character from Chinese legend, the monkey king from Journey to the West, who is widely known and parodized in many ways.

2. The most famous parody of the monkey king who is the protagonist of the japanese cartoon Dragonball/Z. He's not the brightest crayon in the box but is known for being extremely loyal and hella strong. Will kick evil ass if not out to lunch. Is married and has two kids.
Judging from the black eye and broken limbs, I'm guessing someone went Goku on you....


Judging from the empty pantry and excessive amount of dirty dishes, I'm guessing someone went Gokuh on you....
by your mom last night July 2, 2005
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One of the most famous anime series of all time. Mostly for its extreme length and colorful array of characters. The basic plot covers the adventures of Goku and his friends as they battle ever more powerful enemies to protect the Earth/Universe etc....

The name comes from the seven magical balls that the characters usual gather together in order to get their wishes granted, usually something along the lines of bringing people back to life.

Apart from being somewhat repetitive (what show doesn't follow a trend?)it is actually a very decent and original show drawn in a very humorous style by the original artist. One of the best things to come out of the 80's.

Usually scorned by the general public and anime purists because of its mainstream overexposure and americanization by dubbing companies. Most anime fans will claim it was their stepping stone to move onto bigger and better things just not to sound like total n00bs ignoring the fact that DB/Z is in fact widely popular in Japan and since 2004 began making a large comeback. It provided influence for today's best animes such as One Piece and Naruto. Most will contest that, however, rightfully popular, Dragonball Z will probably be around longer than their silly Inuyasha or "deeper" animes.
OH NOES!! I missed DBZ today!! The episode where Goku was supposed kick somebody's ass!!
by your mom last night July 2, 2005
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1. Most talented ass genious in the known world famous for his humorous storytelling in the form of comics. Most famous for the wildly popular Dragonball and Doctor Slump as well as various art for video games.
This comic will save your life! Trust me, it was written by Akira Toriyama.
by your mom last night July 2, 2005
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