1 definition by you got the words wrong

The socially-constructed attitudes that men are expected to be: violent, unemotional, sexually aggressive, etc. It's harmful to men and it harms everyone else as a consequence through these actions.

Especially prominent in: locker rooms, with all the yelling, fighting, proving yourself, who's-dick-is-bigger atmosphere
and in fraternities, with all the making fun or or belting women, emotions, or being a decent human being, and judging men by how many girls they've had sex with, etc.
"God, did you hear about Joe hitting his girl because his friends were making fun of him for being emotional and sensitive when he's with her?"
"Yeah, that's just toxic masculinity. He's grown up taught that he's gotta be a certain way, and that acting otherwise or "acting like a girl" is bad. Murica."
by you got the words wrong March 8, 2017
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