23 definitions by yogha

¹An entrance into a building, it doesn't have to be a door but it can be any sort of hole or chamber you can enter to get into an area.
²A popular Roblox game written, developed and modelled by Cishshato after many years of development, even from 2013-2015 when the first trailer dropped. Finally releasing around 2018-2019 into public access. It has recieved it's final update, adding daily challenges that encourage players to complete them by granting increased XP gain and skins for their arsenal, despite it being quite limited, having only 9 weapons, but adding an extra 2 if you purchase the 'Expanded Arsenal' gamepass. There are 8 missions not including the tutorial you can play without spending any robux on gamepasses. Although you can purchase 6 more if you buy the 'Night Heists' gamepass and the 'Freelance Heists' gamepass, adding 3 each, although the Freelancer heists also add 2 cutscenes, you could include Prelude as another but I chose not to include it as it's accessible before purchasing.
¹'Yo, you see that Entry Point, that's how you'll get in.'

Freelancer: 'Ok, we have our Entry Point'
Rose: 'Hey! Don't open that door! You haven't even disabled the alarm boxes yet!'
*Glass breaking*
*Police sirens and alarms*
*Thump on city footpath below*
Rose: 'Did you just... ARE YOU SERIOUS'
*Helicopter spinning up*
*Helicopter stops*
Rose: 'Cops just disabled the helicopter! You gotta get it up again!'
Rose: 'Now defend that from police.'
*Helicopter finished spinning up*
*Frantic running on helipad*
'The Financier - Legend, 12:02'
Contract: 60,000
No Alarms: 0
No Kills: 0
Pro bonus 2.30x
Total: 138,000

Contract: $8,000
Bonus: $0
Expenses: $150
Total: $7,850
by yogha August 23, 2023
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A contradictory statement or event that disproves itself. Sadly these do not work against moronic personality cores.
G: This, sentence, is, false!
W: Hm, uh, hm. True.
G: Its a paradox, there is no answer!
by yogha August 22, 2023
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When your situation is so dire that there is nothing to lose so you can just do it without losing anything. It is used in a simillar manner to "Cowabunga it is" where you just say 'screw it' and do whatever you were going to do without worrying about the consequences.
Person A: "Hey uh, are you sure you can do that?"
Person B: "Fuck it we ball."
by yogha May 9, 2023
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One of many statues commisioned by the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary around the year 2015 and painted by artist Kate Clarke and Bernadette Wallace. These statues can be found around Gold Coast, the last sighting of the Mario Koala was outside a Timezone by popular Youtuber Polygon Donut around 26 July, 2023. The Mario koala is often moved around so using the last sighting is the best way to find the mystical being.
A: "So, have you seen the Mario Koala around here?"
B: "Yeah, we found him outside of a Timezone."
by yogha August 20, 2023
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Those idiots that keep eating the plastic straws. Well some do but still, they're related so they're still the idiots that keep eating the straws. Like blud, that is not a jellyfish that is a STRAW
"Bro this dumb ass turtle keeps eating the straws when it already got 4 in it's dumb nose.
by yogha October 22, 2023
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¹ A person over the age of 55, born between 1946-1964. Often used in a derogatory manner in social media.

² A special infected from Left 4 Dead 2 that can spew 'Boomer Bile' at survivors and explode upon death
¹ "Ok Boomer. You never had to say it that way."

² "Aw man, that sounds like a Boomer!"
by yogha September 13, 2023
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The act of mothers being able to find objects no one else in the house can find.
S: "MA! I can't find the sharpie!"
M: "It's right there. You just left it on the shelf."
S: "Damn, you got some crazy mum vision."
by yogha September 18, 2023
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