1 definition by yodelleiheehooo

Klance is a ship created by the Voltron fandom, of two boys named Keith and Lance. Because of the large amount of scenes that could prove a deep emotional connection.

(Keep in mind i am trying very hard here to stay professional, and not gush about them too much hhhh)
"We did it. We are a good team." -Lance to Keith, as they kneeled on the ground, holding hands after an intense battle against Sendak.
"The only thing wrong about Klance is the name," -Lauren Montgomery, one of the creators of Voltron, and albeit a bitch, she's right.
"I just think he's like, the future." -Lance about Keith.
"And we’re gonna do it with the Lance that’s the paladin of the red lion. The Lance that's always got my back. And the Lance who knows exactly who he is and what he's got to offer." -Keith to Lance, after Lance finds him atop the black lion, watching the sunset, about Lance's insecurities.
"We had a bonding moment! I cradled you in my arms!" Keith to Lance as he denies the 'we are a good team', aka, the bonding moment. It was stated once by a showrunner that Lance denied it because he didn't want to address certain feelings yet.
by yodelleiheehooo February 4, 2019
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