3 definitions by yes. pro handle by the only k_

A disease that chickens get caused by severe depression.

Side note: May cause you to rip off your ear
"Did you rip off your ear because of Chicken Poxy Lox AGAIN??"

"What did u say I cant hear you because i have no ears"

"Did that chicken just get Chicken Poxy Lox??"

"I think so"
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Long: An effect in which two substances or actions used in combination produce a total effect the same as the sum of the individual effects.
Short: 2 actions combine to make one big one
Gary: "Yo, wanna combine our soda together to make an additive effect?"
Charlie: "Sure! You put your Sprite first and then I will do mine"

Gary: "We have made such a large sprite"
Charlie: "Indeed"
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