3 definitions by yehklsj

Its two thousand in portuguese, used most do refeer like an "one shot" kill in fps games with pumps, like fortnite, you scream like an idiot in your room when get an one shot pump kill.
Kyle: You're dogwater
John: Shut up, i am better at fortnite!
Kyle:*proceeds to smash John like an paper
John: Fuck you nigg-
by yehklsj March 27, 2023
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Soccer team in Brazil, but everytime used when someone dies, like an expression for someones death. That happens because Vasco had an curse that he always lose and it was like an "dead team".
Ele foi de vasco/ He's dead as fuck
Foi jogar no vasco/ He died
Mais um reforço pro vasco/ One more died.
by yehklsj March 27, 2023
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When the guy has so much style, or did an crazy thing, or get some bitches, you say Ai calica!

Expression of surprise in Brazil.
Rick: Im going to Joe.
Kyle: Who's Joe?
Rick: Joe mama!
John: Ai calica!
by yehklsj March 24, 2023
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