1 definition by xyz.abc

Keiren is an awful two-faced loser. In any form of relationship, a Keiren is sure to show his kind and respectful self. Many will look past Keiren's physical appearance just because they enjoy their personality. However, after a Keiren gets what he wants from any relationship, he will not hesitate to throw you aside. Overall Keiren has no sympathy or care for anyone. The coldest soul you'll ever meet.
Ex: Friend: How have things been going with that guy you're always talking about?

Girl: Well, last night I finished his science project for him, and we were supposed to meet each other at the restaurant, but he never showed up.

Friend: OMG!! What a loser! So two-faced!

Girl: Right!? He was ugly anyways!

Friend: That's so true! He must be a Keiren!
by xyz.abc March 10, 2022
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