16 definitions by xyourxworstxnightmarex

in reference to a penis, is an appreciating comment which commends the owner on the impressiveness of his gentialia; in the policies of heterosexuality, only used in reference to one's self unless in a joke or sarcasm
"I whipped out my super pro unit the other day and you know all the ladies was like "DAMN!"
by xyourxworstxnightmarex January 25, 2005
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The sweat produced as a result of intense physical effort by the nutsack, either sexually or through sports, as opposed to normal nut sweat that occurs during everyday wear and tear.
After that pick-up game of basketball at the YMCA I needed to change my shorts because they were soakin' wet with smagma.
While I was bangin' that skank I was gettin' so heated that my nasty balls were covered in smagma.
by xyourxworstxnightmarex January 23, 2005
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the act of pulling an erection under the waistline so as to avoid detection
When I had to get up answer the question on the chalkboard I did a waist tuck so that Mrs. Michael wouldn't see that I was sportin' a fatty.
by xyourxworstxnightmarex January 23, 2005
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a combination of the words "cock" and smoke" resulting in a verb in reference to the glorious act
"That one whore from Early American History smocks a mean dick!"
by xyourxworstxnightmarex February 1, 2005
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an erection obtained for no reason other than the fact that the obtainee was too damn high
Look at Ronnie! He's so fuckin' high he's got a stoner boner!
by xyourxworstxnightmarex January 23, 2005
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Referring to a finger bang, on the basis that fingers are often times called digits. It was original used in hopes of avoiding an introduction of the lame-ass cyber sex definition constructed by a band known as N*SYNC.
I went over to Angie's the other day and had myself a digital get-down with that nasty bitch.
by xyourxworstxnightmarex January 23, 2005
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related in meaning to narb, this is a more specific variety of boner which occurs when a person is so tired and/or bored that to increase blood flow and activity level, the body acquires an erection as a form of stimulant to heighten alertness
"So anyway, I was sitting around, you know, not doing anything, like watchin VH-1 or somethin gay like that, then all of the sudden, I get this thick boredom boner. It was alright, though, because it forced me to move around and adjust my junk. After that I actually went to the bank and grocery shopping. What a productive day, if only for that boredom boner..."
by xyourxworstxnightmarex January 25, 2005
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