1 definition by xxshwangxcore.

better known as NE to anyone who lives there, is the smallest town you've ever seen, that no one knows exists in Central Jersey, and where no one understands why anyone would voluntarily move there. A town that is over-run by dirty mexicans and pot smoking highschoolers. Where the only exciting thing to do is go to Six Flags Great Adventure (GA, to the locals). And where your children are more likely to do drugs than if you lived in the hood. 'Town' and 'The Well' are the central hang outs of NE. New Egypt is the town where everybody knows everyones business, and where people thrive on rumors. New Egyptians will complain continually about how boring and gay it is, but once they leave will defend it to the death. Almost every New Egyptian will be mistaken for being from actual Egypt, at least twice in their lifetime. Better known as 'hickville.'
Joey: 'Hey, where are you from?'
Mike: 'New Egypt.'

'You're from New Egypt? You must be a druggie.'
by xxshwangxcore. June 12, 2008
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