2 definitions by xx_depressedgacha_nightwolf

An unhinged member of the markier dan club who often writes detailed paragraphs on how they would like to f*** characters (specifically men who are manwhores, pudgy and muscly) and he is extremely mentally unstable(we are setting up a go fund me for his therapy). They are also a closeted furry who makes fun of furries to hide the fact they are one.
*conversation on the server*
Aster (jaw dislocator): what i wanted to say iz that i’ve never wanted a man sm in my life. i need hiz dick up my azz rn and after he fill me up like a twinkie i want him to leave hickiez all over me and leave bite markz too. if i could i would carry hiz children but alas i cannot. i want him to tie me up and tease me until i cry in pleasure and then i want him to edge me and make me beg for him to fuck my mind. then i want him to suck me dry and call me a good boy while he pullz my hair.
Member: Average message from Aster
by xx_depressedgacha_nightwolf November 14, 2022
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Hooni is an average member of markier dan club (horny, unhinged, weird kinks, etc) who only comes online to talk about men or lumis ALLEGED piss kink . a hypocrite as he tries to put people on trial for things he has done himself and has atrocious spelling and grammar yet attacks innocent lumi for it. What makes it worse is that he has been diagnosed with stage 1 piss kink (he's still at the stage where he's denying it but secretly jokes about it). And lastly has a seriously unhealthy obsession with markiplier and superhero men (we try our best to support him </3).
memeber: I don't have a piss kink.

Bethany (aka hooni): did someone say piss?
by xx_depressedgacha_nightwolf November 15, 2022
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