32 definitions by xXx

karma means what goes around goes around, there is a few songs that spread this meaning.
eg. karma by lloyd banks (song)

eg. karma by alicia keys (song)

eg. "what comes around goes around, karma, get used to it you should of thought before you done what you done."
by xXx March 5, 2005
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a game played in British schools.
Horse chestnuts hung on a shoe lace, both kids take turns to hit each others conkers until they smash.
Sounds a pile of shit but it was good at the time.
I've got a ten time winning conker
by xXx April 23, 2003
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highly offense(racist)
used by a kid named Boris <- Racist
by xXx July 6, 2003
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piece of shit place at the jersey shore, contains a bunch of poser surfers, who just fall over on the 2 foot waves.
look at those little bitches goin down to cape may.
by xXx June 2, 2004
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someone who claims edge and then breaks it.
dude, that guy with the three x's on his wrist totally sold out with his best friend because they were having a stressful day at work and needed some ciggs.
by xXx March 29, 2004
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Short for German gun manufacturer Heckler & Koch.
"Tryin to stretch out the coca, like a wrestler, yessir
Keep the Heckler close, you know them smokers'll test ya"

by xXx January 18, 2005
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