25 definitions by x BILKO x

When a guy is acting like a bitch because he didn't get his way.
1) Kevin's all sournuts over his team's loss yesterday.

2) Don't get all sournuts because we're going to KFC instead of Tacobell.

3) Read em' and weep, aces over eights! What's wrong sournuts, you broke now?
by x BILKO x September 3, 2016
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1. The action of reversing a typing deletion on a computer.

2. When a person attempts to reverse a super-shitty decision that they made, resulting in a loss.
Bethany, I was drunk last night when I broke up with you. We should undelete our relationship.
by x BILKO x September 11, 2016
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The rythmic display accompanying the near-involuntary muscle movements that occur when one really need to urinate. This is typically hilarious to onlookers, who may place wagers on how long it will take for the dancer to piss themselves.
Oh shit, Jerry's doing the tinkle dance! He's only 4 and can't hold it, where's the closest bathroom!
by x BILKO x September 28, 2016
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A game played usually by a group of men who are far from home. The group will deliberately travel to a bar or club, without arranging for a hotel or other accommodations. They must only rely on their "hook up" abilities to secure a place to sleep for the night. This is typically played in the wintertime, due to the higher stakes involved in a fail.
Chuck: Bro, I the boys in the car and a full tank of gas. We're heading to Louisville, you coming?

Steve: Sounds cool, who you staying with?

Chuck: Hook up or die mutherfucker.

Steve: Challenge accepted, lets ride!
by x BILKO x September 17, 2016
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