3 definitions by wolf4537

The reason why the word "Friday" will be stuck in your brain and will scar you for the rest of your life.

Person 2: Oh god, why did you have to remind me of that Rebecca Black song....
by wolf4537 March 31, 2011
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The #1 favorite Anime/Manga of every emo person that exists.
Emo Kid #1: "Hey man, wanna watch some anime?"

Emo Kid #2: "Nah, I've already seen all of Death Note."
by wolf4537 December 30, 2011
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Also known as, the WORST place on Earth to be working at, since it is a concentration camp with people who have to follow every rule of the place no matter how lame/stupid it is, or else they get fired.
Person 1: Hey, where do you work?

Person 2: I work at the concentration camp

Person 1: Oh, you mean Market Basket?
by wolf4537 March 6, 2009
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