4 definitions by wilson560

A sniper in any game that completes a round having only killed opponents with headshots! Has come to mean any sniper that always goes for the harder headshots instead of the easier body shots...even if it means completely missing!

First heard by Scottish BF2 sniper Dresh.
by wilson560 May 25, 2009
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being shot or hit in the groin.
He got him with a ballshot!
by wilson560 May 25, 2009
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A sniper in any game that always goes for the easier bodyshot instead of a headshot when they know they have time to reload and kill with the second shot! Often occurs when more experienced players know that the can still shoot a fleeing less experienced opponent.

First heard by Scottish BF2 sniper Dresh.
by wilson560 May 25, 2009
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A sniper in any game that aims for the groin area of his opponent in order to mock the target. Has come to mean any experienced player that picks on a less experienced player for easy kills, points, or simply just to mock.

First heard by Scottish BF2 sniper Dresh.
by wilson560 May 25, 2009
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