10 definitions by will this show up 5 years l8r

a combination of 'retard' and 'faggot'. used by republican homophobic people mainly on the internet or in daily conversation.

the kinds of people who would use this word are redneck hillbillys from alabama, south carolina, north carolina, texas, or the canadian province alberta. you know, the guys in their chevy pickup trucks who drink beer and make love to their cousins.
Redneck hillbilly republican ford chevy truck driver from south carolina: I fucking hate that mexican guy! what a reggot! he took our jobs!
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A gore video that is best not to search for. It's also a song used in Shrek, which is undoubtedly the greatest movie of all time.
Person 1: Yo! Search up Funky Town videos!
Person 2: Okay! I bet it's gonna be that thing from Shrek!
*after person 2 searches it*
Person 2: AHHHHH WTF?????
by will this show up 5 years l8r September 10, 2021
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