1 definition by whywontyoudie

Defeater are a modern hardcore band from Boston who have gained a cult following among the hardcore underground with every amount of praise being completely earned. Defeater have only released one album and one EP, both of which being highly ambitious concept pieces. Their LP, Travels, chronicles the events preceding the suicide of a wayward man in which he kills his father and brother, and then mourns the death of his drug addicted mother. Their EP, Lost Ground, was written about a black World War II veteran who loses his entire infantry and then returns to the states just to be shunned by society, eventually turning to alcohol. Defeater will release their second LP, Empty Days and Sleepless Nights, in March of 2011.
Guy 1: "Hey man, you ready for the new Defeater album?"

Guy 2: "You mean Empty Days and Sleepless Nights? Hell yeah, it's album of the year for sure."
by whywontyoudie January 31, 2011
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