2 definitions by whophd

I'm sure the problem is in the PSU, but if I open it and there's still charge on the capacitors after an hour I could get a nasty shock, and besides IANAEE.
by whophd February 15, 2016
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The Job's Fucked

Also TJRF, The Job's Really Fucked. Any task or career that's impossible, and by its nature causes problems if you try. Invented by UK or Australian police forces, and more often used to complain about an unpleasant task, but the source of its strength is to do with the anti-authoritarian culture that is a source of identity and strength for the community, and the members are born into that culture and, like any other worker, believe it applies to the workplace too. So when the Job requests and requires the worker to use authority, it can't work, or can't ever work well, and TJ is F. But of course the same person also believes society needs police, or needs the work that police do. Or just needs some crooks to be stopped. But the worst parts of TJF is when the boss is at you for not snagging a collar, yet the chief won't back you with resources, internal investigations is more powerful than those doing real work, and the brass won't defend your team from the media. The media are against you more than the "real" criminals. And then one of your own lets you down by getting bent. But the tiniest mistake will lose you your job. Everyone wants you to do your job and everyone hates you when you do. TJF. You get home and the family, for good reason sometimes, also hate you.
- What the hell was that about?
- Oh the usual ... well done, and the toe-cutters will see you Monday morning
- Well that's it, the job's fucked!
- TJF, mate.
by whophd October 18, 2023
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