2 definitions by whightknyte

A beautifully curled and styled female mohawk, with a blonde top, and dark roots.
Jenny dyed her hair blonde and did it up in a monroe-hawk. It looks so good.
by whightknyte June 22, 2014
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Definition 1:
Some one who jumps at any opportunity to talk about, shoot, or show off their guns. Commonly owns several guns and a hundred issues of various gun magazines.

Also anyone who talks knowingly about any gun related issue.

Definition 2:
A girl who is strongly attracted to, or excited by, guns. A girl who likes shooting many kinds of guns. Similar to a ski bunny in the shooting world.
example 1:
Dude, I'm not sure if I wanna get a glock or an H&K.

Ask Nick, he's a total gun bunny.

example 2:
Jessica is gonna come shooting with us tomorrow.

Nice, she super hot, and a full blown gun bunny.
by whightknyte June 9, 2010
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