4 definitions by westernclassics

A skid, who is a rat and a goof. Somebody who hangs out with losers...you know, the loser group of people where there's so many losers they feel extreme, but are actually skids because they smoke butts and have pimples...and they're jealous of your ultimate coolness, so they rat you out to police. Thus enabling you to call them a goof. Might not actually be a child fucking goof, but the next worse thing.
It's your best friend's bday and you go out to the bar, even though you are on probation and have a court order against it. You see a skid rat goof in the bar and ignore them as they're obviously way below your pimp status. While you're stumbling back to your place at 4am that morning, the cops pick you up because they had an "anonymous tip" that your drunk ass was out on the street.

You: "That fucking skid rat goof!"
by westernclassics October 13, 2009
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Another name for opiate junkies who are nodding out on the shit. Often so retarded/out of it that they manage to light themselves on fire smoking heroin off of tin foil, or when they fall asleep smoking.
Dude 1: "Hey, what's wrong with that guy over there? He's sleeping and drooling all over himself, and his cigarette is so close to that pile of flammable magazines..."
Dude 2: "Oh, that's just Derek. He's got Down syndrome. Every time he gets paid he buys oxycontins."
by westernclassics October 14, 2009
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Someone who always comes through. A person who means what they say...a true homie. They'd never leave you in the cold cuz they're not trifling.
You fuck up bad one night and end up owing a big motherfucker lots of money. You go and complain to your buddy, and he helps you come up with the cash ... any way he can. He delivers and you don't end up dead.
by westernclassics October 14, 2009
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