1 definition by wefwuigjowrijgoiwgjuwaef

An introvert, shy girl, but a crazy psychopath when with her friends. Kenisha's are very beautiful, independent, loving, caring, sweetest and most importantly cute. they all find themselves caring for others even if it means putting their own happiness at risk, she is Adorable, nice, fun, chill, but can be mean if pissed off. will do anything to keep someone else happy even if that means ruining her happiness. Kenisha's will be the best person, GF, friend you will ever meet. she has the best taste in boys, and will have the cutest bf. she might not be able to decide who she likes but if she likes a boy means she really likes him, she might even have a crush on him for an year. Kenisha's do not often shows there feelings but their sarcastic and attitude levels are beyond the sky... They are the most loveable and romantic girls you can ever meet. AND DONT EVEN LET ME MEANTION THEIR ATTITUDE AND FACIAL EXPRESSIONS ... loves all her friends. great w/ animals
by wefwuigjowrijgoiwgjuwaef April 28, 2022
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