1 definition by wattaheeet5

Liberals dont worship John Kerry, i bet a fuckin "conservative" would have a shit fit if "liberals" bashed them and called them tight ass bush worshipers.
I support Gay Marriage, does that mean im un american or a hippie? Well excuse me for wanting equality and not wanting gays to be discriminated.
This "war" is stupid, theres still mass murder, mass murder of the hopeful soldiers fighting for no cause. I support the troops bravery, but the war has to end. bring em home!
Oh yeah the news..totally biased.
me:Hear about the genocide in DARFUR AFRICA on the news lately?
some dude:No whats that?
me:Violence and mass murder in africa, there crying for help, but no one is helping.
some dude:What news ch? the only news i see is about guys trying to jump from the empire state building, maurys sex scandal and TomKittens baby.
me:figures..society today..
some dude: whatever, you liberals always complaining about things and wanting to help some hopeless cause.Im gonna go buy some clothes, do my hair and do ma nails, cuz chris brown is in concert
by wattaheeet5 April 29, 2006
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