1 definition by warwickkid

-a small country/suburban town 45 minutes from nyc
-most ppl that live there once lived in the city, long, staten island...
-although the kids always complain they secretly love their town..
-we have apples, cows, and cute little overpriced shops
-if youve ever been to warwick, you were most likely here for applefest
-the schools are 50% druggies 50% super smart kids..theres really no in between
-the taxes are higher than the 50% of the kids
-you cant wait to leave warwick when youre there, but once you leave you wanna come back
(warwick kid)"yea i was at the drive-in last nite in warwick"

(city kid)"whats a drive-in and whats a warwick?"
by warwickkid August 16, 2011
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