3 definitions by wackywolfao

An individual who is hateful, judgmental, or prejudiced against Kleptics (similar to homophobes or transphobes).
I stole a gift for my sister the other day and she was pissed. What an unappreciative little kleptophobe.
by wackywolfao August 17, 2021
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A form of bigotry or prejudice towards Kleptics or Kleptomaniacs (similar to homophobia or transphobia).
I visited that really busy walmart downtown the other day and there were SO many cameras and employees everywhere. The place reeked of kleptophobia.
by wackywolfao August 17, 2021
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A person who can only feel romantic attraction to someone they stole from other potential suitors/existing partners or who stole them from other potential suitors/existing partners. The sexual counterpart to kleptoromantic is kleptosexual.
Bob is telling Joe about a girl he is romantically interested in. Joe does not seem interested in this particular girl at first but when the girl starts flirting with Joe, he suddenly feels romantic attraction to her merely out of knowing that Bob wanted her first and that he would essentially be "stealing" her from him if he were to pursue her (assume that Joe's feelings for her are genuine and that he isn't just pursuing her to mess with Bob). This would make Joe a kleptoromantic.

An example of a kleptoromantic in popular media is Lilly from the film "Alpha and Omega" (2010).
by wackywolfao August 28, 2021
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