1 definition by vivi.trvly

A confession is a way to admit something, make known something, repent, and every other term one might use. If I were asked what it meant to me, it would be something that takes a massive amount of courage. It is something that you let out of your chest. So if you ever come across this...
There are words that I can’t tell you, and I am sorry for being incapable of telling them. I want to tell you about the lingering thoughts that wrap me at night, how some shatter me to pieces and how some make me realize how much I like you. There are a lot of things I want to forget, there are a lot of moments that I wish I could change… but you were never one of them. I want to tell you about my happiest days and I want to tell you about the days when I was torn. I want to tell you that it’s you that I write those songs about, and yet, they are too obvious. I want to scream my feelings for you… but I cannot risk this. I cannot risk what we have. I simply can’t build up the courage to tell you. I want to apologize for making you doubt yourself, it was never my intention. If I have to repeatedly remind you of how you will always be worth it, I would, because you are. I want you to know that you have never done anything to hurt me or make me feel unwanted. I never wanted to send this letter, I swore to myself I’d wait until it fades. Seeing you happy makes my heart melt, and after all the tears that I shed, I’m glad to have witnessed it all. I’m glad that I got to know you. Wherever this leads us, I want you to know that you truly are a remarkable person. Don’t be too hard on yourself in the long run, I see a bright future ahead of you. Please learn to forgive yourself and never bottle up your emotions for our sake. In this confession, I confess: I love you, Yellow.
by vivi.trvly May 20, 2022
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