2 definitions by virgin toes

A nick-name given to a friend who claims to be dumb, stupid, or idiotic, when they're actually one of the smartest people you know. They talk down to themself often; and, though they may not show it at first, are very pessimistic. They are lovable and kind, and have a good sense of humor, and they are excellent at hugging, but don't let go of everything too quickly.
person one= "hi, Magu!"
magu screaming to the world= "I'M AN IDIOT"
by virgin toes September 5, 2019
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an adjective used to describe someone who is hot and doesn't know when to stop adding more make-up on, but everybody love them just the same.
ronald-"woah jenny, you be lookin' fuckabulous!"
by virgin toes October 16, 2019
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