1 definition by villainism

Someone who appears like a villain on the surface but is not simply evil or bad. Acting rebellious and mischievous in situations for positive reasons. Nina Robinson coined the word in her novel "Villainism: A Villain's Transformation. Acting in a way that is in opposition to the norms of society, a counter-cultural approach and philosophy to life.
Saint: I don't want to attend the party, but I'm worried everyone will think I'm a jerk.
Villain: Don't worry about what other people think.
Saint: I just don't want to sit in the corner of the room all night pretending to be impressed when they boast and brag.
Villain: You are the main character. You don't have to play the background character at their party. Remember villainism?

Saint: Yeah you're right, villainism is my new motto.

Villain: Although, perhaps you should go to the party after all.
Saint: To listen to them brag?
Villain: For entertainment.
by villainism February 8, 2023
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