2 definitions by vialeex

The best vehicle in the world. It runs at the great speed of 0.1 mile per hour and can climb at any angle or even drive upside down. It flies, it swims, it's the Rectangle! It can grant up to 3 wishes. It is usually driven by a granny. They live in Wengen, Switzerland.
I saw the Rectangle in Wengen last week.
The Rectangle granted me a wish, it's awesome.
by vialeex December 29, 2017
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the Rectangle is the best vehicle in the world and can be driven at the great speed of .1 mile per hour. It lives in Wengen, Switzerland with its granny. This vehicle can drive at any angle, it can swim, jump, and fly. If the Rectangle chooses you, it will grant you up to 3 wishes.
I saw the Rectangle last week and it granted me a wish.
by vialeex December 29, 2017
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