3 definitions by veteransalt

1. Going pee and poop at the same time.

2. Peeing, usually while standing up, and realizing that you need to go poop too, sometimes by a mid-pee fart.
I got back from Taco Bell yesterday, and the pain was too much, so I let out a huge 1-2 combo
by veteransalt August 6, 2014
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1. Taking a crap
2. Trying to push a fart out too hard and going in your pants
I had a massive load of chipotle a few hours ago and, well, let's just say I am losing the farting contest.
by veteransalt May 19, 2014
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quearring is an earring on the right ear, also known as the gay ear for men
John: wow, that guy's a queer
Lenny: how can you tell?
Just look at his right ear! He has a quearring.
by veteransalt May 17, 2014
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