2 definitions by vemodalen

(v.) when you copy and paste from a roleplay and you accidentally post it in another roleplay.
person 1: omg bro, kai pulled a tomoe in another roleplay
person 2: what's does pull a tomoe mean?
person 1: when you copy and paste some post from a roleplay and accidentally posts it in another roleplay
person 2: that sucks
by vemodalen January 12, 2021
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when a pony reaches the ripe age of 1000 and garners enough wisdom through its life, it will start to go through its evolutionary phase of cacoonpony ✨✨✨ from there on, its body will be capsuled into a cacoon like state where its body and mind shall be cleansed from all impurities, only to be rebirthed as a pegasus ✨✨
"that pony is about to go into cacoonpony man, im so eggcited to see my first pegasus."
by vemodalen November 29, 2020
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