28 definitions by veinsofgold

People who own pets (not including farming and herding) like to believe, that they have empathy, but in reality it's arrogance and egotism - they just enjoy the control it provides them via the natural power difference.
Aww such a cute kitty and doggo I would love to force breed 471million of dogs and 373million of cats and force them to live on my terms at my place for no other reason but my mental pleasure, satisfaction and maybe a weapon against other people, I'm such a nice and empathetic pet owner.
by veinsofgold January 28, 2021
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An idiosyncratic internet joke, specific to any combination of community, person, media, event. It can be a self-containing image, collage, animation, video, or inserted into another media. Sometimes a meme character or short animation becomes an emote on streaming sites.
Just like other jokes, it can become cringe, when explained or forced, or bullying, when forced.
Saving potions during a game playthrough for later, but never using them, so you end up with a stash at the end of the game, is a meme at this point.
by veinsofgold June 1, 2022
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Also known as SMV.
In a general sense: a formula (or multiple formulas) (or an attempt to create it), which you can then use to plot a graph(s) of general 'current attractiveness value' of each person, showing each individual's relativity to others of the same sex.

something like this:
men want: 0.1*success + 0.6*looks + 0.4*personality + male_choice
women want: 1*success+ 0.5*looks + 0.5*personality + female_choice

in a biological sense:
Men want from women: ability and desire to please, ease, provide serenity.
Women want from men: ability and desire to reduce fear.
Female hypergamy drives them into seeking a higher sexual market value partner, even exercise monkey branching- 'investing' her time into other potentially successful guys leaving them in a friendzone - as 'backup' guys, even if she's already in a relationship.
by veinsofgold May 28, 2019
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Synonymous to courteous simp, white knight, courteous stooge, hero complex. A guy who's obsessively/submissively courteous to a woman, treating her like an upper strata untouchable & whitewashed, often trying to enforce or "morally police" other men to be docile to women and violent to men (act chivalrous) purely on the basis of sex and apparent (to them) behavior patterns. Antonymous to fair treatment, individualism, rationalism.

"Chivalry" was just the lower stratas of aristocratic men trying to upgrade their strata by marrying to a higher strata aristocratic women (who would essentially just be using these men as free fuckboys, attention, gifts, ego boost, protection in mischief), and because of this strata difference they had to be cautious and courteous (unless they were genuine simps). They were essentially fear/death squads, existed to punish, through threats and murder, rebelling surfs and peasants during "peace time", and during wars - better equipped and trained, often mounted, soldiers making them have a higher chance of survival, than the average conscripts, especially in running down running away "enemy". Glorified, romanticized, legalized bandits, simps with 0 empathy to other guys.
by veinsofgold February 16, 2021
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Someone (who is) whose actions are de facto psychopathic/lacking general empathy, but de jure (they are) their actions are considered normal/accepted enough. In other words: de facto they are doing bad things to people (or participating or accomplices in doing), but since the majority (or their local majority) is ok with the targets and the intensity of the bad (and maybe cheering/enabling them) - it's normalized, everyone moves on after this just fine, being used to no accountability.
Same as a tribal psychopath - an umbrella term for abusers (likes witch hunting, bullying, abuse, sadism, marginalization), murderers, but are social or adhering to "the rules of engagement" - working within tribal sets of rules.
Uses schizo logic to justify it - as in whatever in-group fallacies, fantasies, expectations (beyond basic decency), biases, also often feelings-based reasoning.

Usually targets (or joins in on targeting) men, as it's easier to get away with - since women are a 'protected class' and simps already have biased empathy; existing biases against men make it easier to find a cultural moral superiority point and to 'rally the gang' for abuse.
Coliseum visitors; inquisition; mob mentality; labeling; summary executions; genocides; our soldiers are heroes theirs - are evil; wearing a uniform makes a person a legal to murder target or makes their kills acceptable; forced slavery; thinking that Roman empire wasn't a fascist hellhole; certain groups of people deserve to be abused or executed for existing; thinking that karma is a thing; or being a pet owner, believing that they're having "empathy" for animals and it somehow justifies something against humans; and other control freaks, lacking general empathy - are all examples of normie psychopaths.
by veinsofgold June 13, 2022
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Someone who's a simp (biased empathy for women, lack of it for men), but simping and (G)ynocentric only in the ways of the dinosaur times (before the internet or TV), without the modern simp's new submissions DLC for G.
They are often exploited by modern women (benefits of both old and new gynocentrism, responsibilities of neither times).

Their G views: women = children (reduced accountability, legally special protected strata, "women and children first", chivalry (special treatment)), protect women (whiteknighting, shielding from harms way), materialistic directionality bias (shielding from hardship, individually provide for women, welfare for women, better-supplied women spaces), sacrifice men for the collective/society and impose/influence self-sacrifice upon men. Finding a wife(wives) being the vaglidation goal.
- I've been forced to join the military and I'm also insured. Makes me proud knowing that my gf is safe and will be provided for, if I die. You should too 'treat a lady properly', 'grow up' - find a wife, 'be a man' - sacrifice yourself, 'take it like a man'.
- Being a tradsimp is your thing, don't impose it.
by veinsofgold September 1, 2023
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an umbrella-term that scumbags, swindlers, bandits, psychopaths are using to call attacks on them and normalize the abuse of whoever they've chosen to abuse and scare the normies away; if they were to call it revenge-attacks or sabotage - then it creates implication of a reason and therefore more people looking into it and finding the reason and therefore exposing the above peoples and normie ignorance (hence normies are kinda ok with it).

'Terrorizing' something or somebody, which is abuse and fear-inducing threats (and possibly murder) that mostly organized people in position of power, business or in a criminal group use against exploited and abused by them people, or what organized radical political movements use against other political movements.
Sometimes used ironically (regardless of reasoning/just an expression of being annoyed), when someone keeps demanding from or bothering someone.

Murder attempts against the establishment and some sort of guerrilla warfare during 'officially' peace time are typically called terror attacks.

Basically a bias-based term: "whatever we're doing is just, whatever others against us - terrorism".
terrorism is rampant in this country and its schools.
by veinsofgold May 3, 2021
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