1 definition by urlocaldumpsterfire

Is a crackhead radiating energy in its natural habitat. She is really pretty and hot, attracting all the boys, and is THICCA THAN A SNICKA! She is popular and really good at sports, especially softball, and is an absolute beast at video games. She is nice a lot of times, but don’t piss her off. A Fawne ain’t afraid to smack a bitch. Birthstone is normally emerald, which is one of the best kinds of Fawnes. They are literally the fucking craziest person in the entire world who are hilarious and don’t give two shits about what people think about them. If you know or have a Fawne, Cherish them until they die, even agree m after they die. You know what, sneak into their coffin, no one will know 🤫
Guy 1: Holy shit she’s sexy. Who is she? Wait, did she just down that whole can of baked beans?
Guy 2: Oh her? That’s Fawne. You should totally ask her out.
by urlocaldumpsterfire March 31, 2020
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