1 definition by urfavcancer

she's the prettiest girl you will ever meet, so down to earth and gives out the purest energy there is. talking to her feels so easy, it's like you can trust her with everything even if y'all just met. it's different with her, life is more colourful and vibrant, things have meaning when you're around her and the world is a better place with her in it. she will blush when you compliment her or give her any sort of love because she appreciates it more than she will ever tell you. her love language is words of affirmation and she is so cute when she fumbles on her words after you tell her how pretty she is. everyone who meets her knows she's the sort of person, friend, partner you want in your life. she is honestly the epitome of perfection <3
'if you know an angelita in your life, you're the luckiest person on the planet'
by urfavcancer December 2, 2021
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