2 definitions by undiscovered tachyon

Kratul is a man of focus. He respects everyone and everything until you mess with him.
For him, life is about goals, and discipline. He is very passionate, punctual, and patient. He is very calm but very dangerous at the same time. He loves to explore and learn new things. He also like sports on a professional level. He's deeply into technology and astronomy.
He loves a good slice of pizza and a scoop of butter scotch ice-cream.
Name, "Kratul" means a man of focus, dedication, and strength.
by undiscovered tachyon September 14, 2022
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Kratul is a man of focus. He respects everyone and everything.
For Kratul life is about goals, punctuality and discipline. He is very calm and very dangerous at the same time. He like to explore and learn new things. He also like sports on a professional level. He's deeply into technology.
He loves a good pizza and scoop of ice-cream.

Kratul name defines focus, punctuality and discipline.
Kratul name defines focus, punctuality and discipline.
by undiscovered tachyon November 25, 2021
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