5 definitions by ultrabasshead

noun:1a)A person that does or did something absolutely absurd
noun:1b)a word for describing someone as dumb or unintelligent
adj: something that is absurd
Tim was characterized as a basshead after he slipped on a banana peel in front of his whole class.

Where are you coming up with these basshead ideas?
by ultrabasshead September 4, 2008
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used to say that something is dull or boring;however, it is more often used as a random word to shove in the middle of a speech or math lesson to catch attention
The calculus class at school was a real blam.

Mr. Entropy, the math teacher, kept repeating the word blam to keep the students' attention.
by ultrabasshead September 4, 2008
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a male who have physical traits of a female and sexual traits of a male, (often confused with man-woo)
I thought that woo-man was a girl!
by ultrabasshead September 4, 2008
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degrading one's self identity to the point in which they believe that they are isolated from society
Bullying can be seen as a close friend to noobing.
by ultrabasshead September 4, 2008
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a female who has physical traits of a male, and sexual traits of a female, (often mixed up with tomboy)
That girl was beyond being a tomboy, she was a man-woo.
by ultrabasshead September 4, 2008
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