1 definition by tweeta

Samoans are people from the Pacific. They are of the Polynesian category along with others such as tongans, and etc. I read most of the definitions of samoans, and I tell almost everyone of those are not true. Not all samoans are big, and large. I would say heavy boned and naturally muscular. LOL. Samoans are friendly people. They are called the "Happy people" of polynesia. But if you mess with them in some rude way, I can't tell you what will happen, but it probably one of your worst experience. Just kidding, not all are the worst. Some are kind-hearted. In the samoan culture, RESPECT is really involved. Respect your elders, family, and friends for they will respect you back. ( I think) So my friends, this is what I think Samoans are.
Samoan(s) tend to do daily chores that leads to be the most powerful weapon there can be to strength and respect!
by tweeta June 19, 2009
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